par-avion is an environmentally conscious design partnership mixing traditional craft & modern styling.
We are dedicated to preserving the environment. We use natural and renewable materials which are carefully & locally sourced to minimise our carbon footprint and maintain our commitment to our environmental standards. Our products are made using FSC British hardwoods and environmentally friendly seat materials such as rush, Danish paper cord, and handmade willow skein.
Central to our product manufacturing is the connection to local craftspeople and materials. We work with East Anglian weavers using split-willow skein, danish cord and rush weaving techniques and champion these traditional craft skills through our designs and business platform.
When working on and developing our products, we are constantly inspired by traditional crafts. These natural materials and methods of making stand the test of time, they have been proven and tested for strength and durability and provide a distinct aesthetic quality from which we draw inspiration from. They also provide a basis from which to explore innovative design solutions to waste and sustainability, an issue that is core to our business ethos.
Through utilising traditional craft techniques in modern designs that are in production, we aim to provide a contemporary example of these skills, resulting in them remaining relevant to current tastes and style.